Imágenes y perfumes – Inspiración china

foto: Virginia Blanco

foto: Virginia Blanco

La cultura china ha sido desde hace centurias un referente en muchos aspectos para la sociedad occidental. Ha causado una profunda fascinación, desembocando en una gran impronta en el pensamiento y la estética (artística, arquitectónica, indumentaria y decorativa), sobre todo en Europa.

Hoy en día, a pesar de la “cercanía globalizada”, China nos sigue atrapando con su exotismo y singularidad, incluso en la perfumería. Es el caso de estas tres fragancias que, a pesar de diferir mucho entre sí -olfativa y conceptualmente-, afirmamos sin duda alguna que nos transportan al Lejano Oriente: Coromandel (Chanel Les Exclusifs), Epic Woman (Amouage) y Chinatown (Bond No9). Todos ellos han sido reseñados en este blog (pueden leer cada review clickeando en sus correspondientes enlaces).

Nos gustaría saber, ¿qué otros perfumes de inspiración china conocen o han usado?

Virginia y Caro

foto: Virginia Blanco

foto: Virginia Blanco

Pictures and perfumes – Chinese inspiration

For centuries Chinese culture has been in many aspects a source of inspiration to western society. It has caused deep fascination, leading to a large imprint on ideas and aesthetics (artistic, architectural, clothing and decorative), especially in Europe.

Today, despite of the “globalized closeness”, China still lures us with its exoticism and uniqueness, even in perfumery. That is the case of these three fragrances, though vastly different  –conceptually as well olfactory- from one to another, we affirm without a doubt that all of them take us to the Far East: Coromandel (Chanel Les Exclusifs), Epic Woman (Amouage) and Chinatown (Bond No9 ). They have already been reviewed in this blog (you can read each one following their corresponding links).

We wonder, are there other Chinese-inspired perfume you know of or have worn?

Virginia & Caro

foto: Virginia Blanco

foto: Virginia Blanco

Paisaje de montaña brumosa, tinta sobre papel     artista: Huang Junbi(1898-1991)       foto: Virginia Blanco

Paisaje de montaña brumosa, tinta sobre papel artista: Huang Junbi(1898-1991) foto: Virginia Blanco

4 responses to “Imágenes y perfumes – Inspiración china

  1. Heh, we both wrote about China tonight, though for different reasons. 🙂 I’d the ultimate China-inspired perfume is Opium. My all-time favorite perfume in its original, vintage formulation. When I die, I planned to die with Opium on me. *grin* You know, I read that — when YSL originally proposed it — either his company or American investors or someone was extremely nervous about the name due to the connotations at the time in the druggie ’70s, but he insisted and went ahead with it anyway. I think Coromandel owes a huge debt to Opium and its frankincense opium dens. 🙂


  2. Ah, yes, I remember reading that and finding it fascinating. Okay, so Opium’s bottle is Japanese-inspired but the juice itself… China, no?

    I find it so sad that — nowadays — we all have to qualify what sort of Opium perfume we like because the current version is so, so terrible. It should be ashamed at how it tarnishes the Opium name! 😦

    Anyway, I have a big sample of Bond’s Chinatown which I’ll get around to sniffing one of these days, but your review further solidifies my belief that I really need to try Epic Woman and soon! If you like it, Virginia, I’m sure I will too.


    • Apparently, yes. When I went to the Belle D’Opium launching, the YSL’s marketing team told us about the inros inspiration for Opium bottle. But they didn’t mention any culture in particular, just “Far East”.
      I’m sure that you will enjoy Chinatown: it’s modern, funny, pop but exotic.


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