Von Eusersdorff Classic Orange – Cítrico paradojal

foto: En.wikipedia.org  fotógrafa: Brianna Lehman

foto: En.wikipedia.org    fotógrafa: Brianna Lehman

Classic Orange evita los clichés de la mayoría de los perfumes cítricos. No se siente particularmente fresco, sino que refresca con una calidez que recuerda a la de la piel entibiada por el sol.

Estas son noticias excelentes, al menos para mí: una de mis tareas más difíciles en verano es encontrar un aroma que se adecue a la estación, pero que no se sienta demasiado frío.  Por más vitalizantes que sean, excluyo limones y menta y gravito hacia el resplandor dorado de mandarinas o naranjas.

Classic Orange, presentado en 2013, no es hesperidado y prefiere jugar con el fruto entero en lugar de limitarse a la corteza. La pulpa fresca y el jugo de la naranja sanguina se combinan con los tonos verdes, sutilmente florales, del petitgrain. Engañosamente simple al comienzo, muta lentamente en una gamuza suave -acariciadora, casi táctilcon gradaciones más oscuras de . Los matices de damasco, tan característicos del osmanto, brindan dulzura y una textura aterciopelada. Frutas florales y flores afrutadas; la paradoja se  intensifica en una evolución siempre fluida, sin estridencias. El fruto resultante es sensual y cálido, con un fondo almizclado.

La proyección de Classic Orange es moderada y la longevidad, excelente para un cítrico. El resultado general logra animar el espíritu con refinamiento.

Incluso su servidora, amante confesa de perfumes enormes y complejos, se ha rendido ante el encanto de esta joyita naranja.


Origen de la muestra: muestra cortesía de Von Eusersdorff

foto: Voneusersdorff.com

foto: Voneusersdorff.com

Von Eusersdorff Classic Orange – Paradoxical citrus

Classic Orange avoids the clichés of most citrusy fragrances. It doesn’t feel particularly fresh; instead, it refreshes with a warmth akin to that of sunkissed skin.

This is wonderful news, at least for me: one of my most difficult tasks in Summer is finding a scent that is season-appropriate yet doesn’t feel too chilly. As vivifying as they might be, I rule out lemons and mint and gravitate toward the golden glow of  tangerines and oranges instead.

Classic Orange, launched in 2013, is not hesperidic and prefers to play with the whole fruit rather than limit itself to the rind. The fresh pulp and juice of blood oranges is paired with the verdant, subtly floral tonalities of petitgrain. Deceivingly simple at the beginning, it slowly morphs into soft suede -caressing, almost tactile- with darker hints of tea. The characteristic apricot-like nuances of osmanthus add sweetness and a velvety texture. Floral fruits and fruity flowers; the paradox intensifies along an evolution which is always smooth, without stridencies. The resulting fruit is warm and sensuous, with a musky drydown.

Projection in Classic Orange is moderate and longevity excellent for a citrus fragrance. The overall result is uplifting and refined. Even yours truly, self-confessed lover of big perfumey fragrances, has fallen prey to the charm of this little orange gem.

Origin of sample: Sample courtesy of Von Eusersdorff

foto: Otg.de

foto: Otg.de

11 responses to “Von Eusersdorff Classic Orange – Cítrico paradojal

  1. I remember trying this one very briefly at Jovoy and being captured by the warmth of that sweet orange. I don’t remember a lot about the rest of the scent given the madness of that day, but I think I actually liked this one more than even the patchouli. At least, from what I can recall of the opening minutes. I think you definitely capture the feel of it very well. This is the other one of the Von Eusersdorff line (after Classic Patchouli) that I want to test out properly.

    Thank you for the lovely review, my dear.


    • Thank you for stopping by, dear Kafka!

      I find Classic Orange very interesting for an orange fragrance. I happened to have a sample of Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine on hand and compared the two (after having written these thoughts): OS, though lovely, didn’t impress me at all. CO is not a literal orange and manages to surprise, an unusual trait in citrus fragrances.

      The Patchouli is my personal favorite from the line. My Classic Myrrh bottle (an unsniffed purchase) found its way to the Husband because it smells wonderfully elegant on him.




      • I loved the opening minutes of Orange Sanguine, but, alas, then it turned soapy and took on that signature Atelier synthetic musk that they toss into everything for “cleanness.” It’s turned me off the line after smelling it in even greater form in their other fragrances. I find clean, white musk so damn cheap and common. Anyway, I far preferred the little bit I recall of Classic Orange. As for the Classic Patchouli, well, you know my passionate feelings about the note. We’ll turn you into a patch-head yet! 😉


      • I’m already turning into a patch head 😉


  2. Wow, it sounds amazing! Something I would definitely enjoy, judging by your description.


  3. As a dedicated orange lover, I’ve been hearing great things about this one – and indeed most of Von Eusersdorff! From your description, Caro – it sounds – heavenly! xoxo


  4. I’m so glad you enjoyed Classic Orange as much as I do. If I had any sense of smell at the moment I’d be spritzing away to banish the winter blues. Alas I cannot smell anything so this precious liquid sunshine is staying in the bottle until I can appreciate it again!

    A lovely review that reminded me of why I love this perfume x


    • Dear Susie,
      I suffered along as I read about your sinus problem. How frustrating is that?
      Hope you get well soon and can enjoy Classic Orange, Kiki and your other favorite beauties again.




  5. Pingback: Von Eusersdorff: Classic Mimosa, Orange, Myrrh & Vetiver - Kafkaesque

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